Virtual Workplace Solutions For Safe and Productive Work

The digital transformation is advancing: The pressure on companies to react quickly and flexibly to the requirements of the market and users is increasing continuously. The internet is omnipresent, mobile devices are being used more and more and static business models are being questioned. Those who do not participate now will sooner or later lag behind the competition - not only in terms of customer satisfaction but also in terms of attractiveness as an employer. Companies have taken the first step in the right direction with private cloud environments and server virtualization. But why do you still rely on rigid and complex concepts for supplying your end-users? New technologies remove the former limitations of virtualized desktops out of the way.


Today, employees must be able to work effectively and target-oriented in the home office or on the go. That is why it is important to provide them with a simple and safe solution. A virtual workplace does just that because access to the virtual desktop is no longer tied to location. Whether at home, on the go, or in the office, whether from a private or corporate device: Secure access to the workplace is possible regardless of time and place.

Work safely and productively at all times with your virtual workplace

An investment in a virtual workplace environment will not only benefit you today but also tomorrow! Your employees have secure remote access to all relevant business applications, data, and systems at all times. Access is very easy and secure via any HTML5 browser or a local client - regardless of whether you use the private or company device.

Take advantages of the Virtual Workplace Solutions

Productive work
Your employees work flexibly from home or on the go - just like at the stationary workplace in the company.

Limitless flexibility
Any Device & Anytime, Any Network, but Secure, Any Virtual Desktop & Apps.

High security
Secure remote access from any device to all relevant business applications and data. The data remains in the company data center.

If you are looking for the best virtual workplace solution, then The Wurkr workplace is the virtual and modern version of the traditional workplace. Quickly and securely deliver personalized role-based services, data, and collaboration an employee needs on any device, anytime, anywhere using a consumer-like online experience. For a better experience check the Wurkr review.


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